Amazon S3 File Upload Api Call
You can now receive Amazon CloudWatch Events when files that are written to ’s file interface are uploaded to Amazon S3. You can use these notifications to trigger in-cloud or on-premises automated workflows. For instance, a file upload notification could initiate an API call to start a data processing job using AWS analytics services, such as Amazon Athena, or invoke an AWS Lambda function for transcoding. Alternatively, you can use a file upload notification to make a RefreshCache API call to File Gateways in remote offices, so that on-premises applications can then read the uploaded data, such as reports, files for print presses, code updates or database backup files.
Amazon S3 File Upload Api Call In India
.Upload objects in a single operation—With asingle PUT operation, you can upload objects up to 5 GB in size.For more information, see.Upload objects in parts—Using the multipartupload API, you can upload large objects, up to 5 TB.The multipart upload API is designed to improve the upload experience for largerobjects. You can upload objects in parts. These object parts can be uploadedindependently, in any order, and in parallel. You can use a multipart upload for objectsfrom 5 MB to 5 TB in size. For more information, see.We recommend that you use multipart uploading in the following ways.If you're uploading large objects over a stable high-bandwidth network, usemultipart uploading to maximize the use of your available bandwidth by uploading objectparts in parallel for multi-threaded performance.If you're uploading over a spotty network, use multipart uploading to increaseresiliency to network errors by avoiding upload restarts. When using multipartuploading, you need to retry uploading only parts that are interrupted during theupload. You don't need to restart uploading your object from the beginning.For more information about multipart uploads, see.